Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Light & Airy

Hello to you all! Since I'm taking a little break from my normal yoga routine, I find myself sitting here staring out the window, daydreaming about decorating. I noticed that everything I'm attracted to right now is really light, which makes me wonder if I will actually have color in my house, when I actually decide to get a house... and the answer is yes, yes I will have color... with lots of oriental rugs, so this is only daydreaming here. Especially due to the fact that I have a dog who seems to think that what's mine is her's and loves to sit on couches, beds, basically anything and everything I sit on, she copies and does the same.

I hope all of you are having a great Wednesday. I was supposed to go back to Houston on Tuesday, but since I pulled something in my stomach and can't quite lift my heavy suitcase, I will be here in the mountains, terrible right? No, not so much. :)

images via pinterest

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